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The Fear of the Lord (Or how to live well in 2021)
Friends, A couple of things before we get started. Sorry that it has been so long since you have heard from me. I don't know if you...

More than the "Christmas Tree in New York City!"
Hi Friends, If you are anything like me, then the tumult of our times has begun to wear on you. People these days just seem so incredibly...

A letter to my Dad, on what would be his 65th birthday
Dad, Happy Birthday! It is hard to believe that if you were still alive, today you would be sixty-five. It's official, you would be an...

Miriam, Mason, and the Walkers' Line
Hi friends, I need to be honest with you. This pandemic is exhausting. My body is tired. My mind is tired. My soul is tired. I want...

A Lesson From COVID-19, Brought to You By Better Than Ezra
Friends, The first few weeks of shelter in place were, as you might imagine for my house, full of chaos. Sara and I simply tried to make...

I Just Wanted Some Jif!
Friends, I hope that as you read this post, things are going well for you and your family. If you are anything like me, the past two...

Let's be honest for a minute.
Friends, I want to begin with a confession. My anxiety level over the past week has been far beyond normal. Like many of you, I am...

"Will, where is Jesus?"
One of the perks of my work is that almost every day, assuming I have my eyes open to see it, something fascinating happens,. Being aware...

A Good Reminder
Dear Friends, Many of you know that today is Ash Wednesday. In the Christian tradition, this day marks the beginning of Lent, which is...

We Should All Ask This Question
Friends, If you know me well, then you know that I love to read all things related to church. Whether it is theology, ecclesiology (study...
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